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strong_prints [2024/09/27 18:59] (current) – created river
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 +====== Strong 3D prints ======
 +Notes on making mechanical parts stronger.
 +  * Orientation of layers probably most important factor. They pull apart much more easily than lines break.
 +  * ePLA / matt: some websites say it is weaker, some say stronger, than normal PLA.
 +  * Layer height: Most people seem to say thicker is stronger.
 +  * Heat: hotter, and with part fan low / off should give better adhesion.
 +  * Extrusion: overextruding might help.
 +Much of this is the same as trying to make prints [[watertight_3d_prints|watertight]].
strong_prints.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/27 18:59 by river

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