====== Maiana ====== [[https://github.com/peterantypas/maiana|MAIANA]] ===== NMEA2000 Adapter ===== It looks like it implements parsing of some received binary message types. [[https://github.com/peterantypas/maiana/blob/964de69df07e6454a91e5bbc8ebb3808d32f69e9/latest/Firmware/NMEA2000Adapter/ais/ais6.cpp]] ===== Flash ===== According to bootloader README: 0x08000000 - Custom bootloader. (Normally application code starts here.) 0x08004000 - Bootloader maintained metadata: image size and checksum. 0x08004800 - Application. Must be linked to go here. It seems to be changed for the L412 because 64k Flash. According to .ld files and bootloader config: 0x08002000 - Application 0x08001800 - Metadata. ===== Bootloader ===== Maiana has a custom bootloader, installed in addition to the STM32's usual ROM bootloader. Toggle TX switch twice on power up to enter. ==== MCUs ==== Boards have been produced with various chips in the STM32L4 series. === STM32L412 === 64kB Flash. 40kB RAM. ===== Boot messages ===== $PAISYS,11.9.1,4.4.1,,STM32L412,1,1*08 $PAISTN,0,,,0,0,0,0,0*11 $PAITXCFG,1,1,1,0,0*0B $PMTK011,MTKGPS*08 $PMTK010,001*2E $PMTK011,MTKGPS*08 $PMTK010,002*2D "$PAISYS,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%d*", hwRev(), FW_REV, serNum(), mcuType(), breakoutType(), isBootloaderPresent())