====== Possible research / work areas ====== Things that could be improved on from a basic system. ===== Low power design ===== Consider using: STM32L, or WL, module with lora, nrf52 or 54 if available. ===== Security ===== * Avoiding DoS. * Spam / abuse. * Forward secrecy. * Key management / IDs. * Privacy / anonymity / pseudanonymity. Cruisers may not always want to be trackable. ===== Mesh network protocols ===== * Emergency messages, priority, QoS. * TX power management. * Integration also with wifi mesh, APRS, Amateur packet radio, ... * Use of LoraWAN where TTN or similar is available, but no other useful mesh nodes. ===== RF ===== * Antennas, filters, and amplifiers optimised for use near masts and other radio equipment. Immunity to close VHF transmissions, and high power HF. * Low noise switching power supplies, e.g. for use beside VHF / AIS, HF, MF (Navtex) and even LF (Radio 4) antennas. ===== Environmental Sensors ===== * Development of wind, air, maybe water too.