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CAN Interfaces

USB CAN adapters can appear as follows on Linux.


A can network device appears. e.g. can0, shown by ifconfig.

Set bitrate for NMEA2000 and bring up CAN interface:

ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 250000

It seems SignalK doesn't do this itself.

Kernel SocketCAN docs

Serial Line CAN

Some USB to CAN adapters may run a firmware that presents as a CDC-ACM serial port, e.g. CANable devices. slcand can talk to the devices over the virtual serial port and create a standard SocketCAN device, at which point you can continue the same as with a native SocketCAN adapter.

slcand -o -s5 /dev/ttyACMx

The -s arguments sets the CAN bus speed:

    -s0 = 10k
    -s1 = 20k
    -s2 = 50k
    -s3 = 100k
    -s4 = 125k
    -s5 = 250k
    -s6 = 500k
    -s7 = 750k
    -s8 = 1M



Install Linux SocketCAN tools: sudo apt install can-utils

Configure SocketCAN interface: ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 250000

Use canboat analyzer tool: candump can0 | candump2analyzer | analyzer


Can open SocketCAN interfaces, like can0. Select Analyze → Decode As, and in the last column of the table you can click to set it to J1939. This will decode as far as giving you PGNs. I didn't find an NMEA2000 decoder, but this at least tells you data is flowing.



CANable is a USB - CAN interface using an STM32F072. CANable firmware does slcan. The same device can be flashed with candleLight firmware which does Linux native / SocketCAN. I bought a device from Aliexpress which came with candleLight.

Waveshare Pico CAN

can_interfaces.1738501690.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/02/02 13:08 by river

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