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nyan:log [2024/03/05 18:18] rivernyan:log [2024/08/28 16:57] (current) river
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 ====== Captain's Log ====== ====== Captain's Log ======
 +===== Stardate 20240827 =====
 +I didn't realise how long it was since I last wrote here. I've been busy working on this and other projects.
 +This evening we tested a Nyan box on a boat in Granton harbour. :) Connected to the NMEA2000 bus, it picks up wind instruments, position, and other data, and sends it out over LoRa. We made contact with a meshtastic station over the water in Fife.
 +===== Stardate 20240428 =====
 +Since last update, I've mostly been working on:
 +  * Starting to put together some devices: [[:construction|Electronics Construction / Hardware Notes]]
 +  * Repairing and reverse engineering a commercial wind and weather sensor (WXT510), to use with Nyan. (TODO: write up). Seeing how to interface with it: maybe with SDI-12, but it can do some stuff over NMEA0183. Bodging around the corroded electronics. Fibreglassing the case and finding a mounting pole.
 +  * Testing a 5V power supply (buck converter) to run Nyan and a pi of 12V nom.
 +  * Examined an [[:ngt-1|Actisense NGT-1]]
 +  * Testing an [[:as3935|AS3935 Lightning Detector Chip]], with a view to including it on a Nyan board design 
 +  * Made a webpage at [[]], for some academic linkjuice?
 +  * Talking to people about future marine / environment related research on boats, and how to organise this
 +  * Went to see some boats to measure up / see how to fit some nyan devices.
 +  * Testing INA3221 current sensors ([[:current_measurement|Current Measurement]])
 +  * Build / test a Raspberry Pi Pico W version of nyan prototype. It works, but having trouble with meshtastic python cli.
 +  * Tested devboard antennas, and another one I bought, on the LiteVNA. Some are useless, some okish. [[:lora-antennas|LoRa Antennas]]
 +  * Tested supplied uFL -> SMA pigtails. They are ok.
 +  * Antenna design.
 +  * Made a JTAG adapter for debugging the various ESP32 / pi pico boards I am working with.
 +  * Admin: repaired lab lighting, and my laptop.
 +  * Component shopping.
 +  * Receiving, testing, rejecting, and reordering some components.
 +  * Learning how to use, and testing, a LiteVNA.
 +  * Testing NMEA2000 parts and terminators. The ones I got are not just 120 ohm resistors.
 +===== Stardate 20240312 =====
 +I am having trouble with WiFi and web interface on two ESP32 devices. The Heltec Wireless stick is not connecting at all, and the Heltec V3 is not accepting a change of SSID, and says it can't see the access point (same error reported by the wireless stick).
 +Positive: I have got NMEA2000 / CAN working! A RPi Pico device is receiving and decoding PGNs sent by SignalK.
 +===== Stardate 20240309 =====
 +Today I have been mostly working on SignalK and NMEA2000. Trying SignalK security tokens (not tested yet because the WiFi on the dev board broke). Testing ([[:can_interfaces|USB CAN adapter]], got [[:signalk|SignalK]] to output data on it, viewed in Wireshark. Also code for handling multiple GNSS sources ([[:gnss|Position Accuracy Assessment]]).
 +I have setup a remote dev environment using a single board computer with an ESP32 LoRa dev board connected by USB, and reset pin on a GPIO. Accessed over wireguard, this makes a very convenient way to work without having to move around a bunch of hardware and reconfigure networking when I want to work somewhere else.
 +I tried setting up a WiFi AP on the remote machine, but the dev board was not connecting to that either.
 +I also setup VNC. Until now I always used X forwarding, but it was super slow. I had assumed that something which knew the protocol and wasn't just shovelling bitmaps would be faster, but apparently not.
 ===== Stardate 20240305 ===== ===== Stardate 20240305 =====
nyan/log.1709662711.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/03/05 18:18 by river

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