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nyan:pi_config [2024/07/24 22:58] rivernyan:pi_config [2024/07/27 20:27] (current) – [openocd] river
Line 13: Line 13:
   * /etc/network/interfaces - to assign an IP to wlan0   * /etc/network/interfaces - to assign an IP to wlan0
   * dnsmasq - to provide dhcp server and dns server on wlan0 to the ESP.   * dnsmasq - to provide dhcp server and dns server on wlan0 to the ESP.
-  * Not done - routing / NAT. ESP probably doesn't need to / shouldn't? talk to the internet.+  * Not done - routing / NAT. ESP probably doesn't need to / shouldn't? talk to the internet. EDIT: Now done with ufw. The ESPs use ntp and might want to connect to an NMEA tcp server for testing.
 I tried using NetworkManager for this first but it didn't work. May have been a firewall issue actually, but hostapd working now anyway. NetworkManager also has very limited configuration options. I tried using NetworkManager for this first but it didn't work. May have been a firewall issue actually, but hostapd working now anyway. NetworkManager also has very limited configuration options.
 +===== JTAG =====
 +Using a Pi 5's GPIO pins to connect to a target ESP32-S3 over JTAG.
 +==== JTAG Cable ====
 +It is a good idea to put some resistors in these lines to avoid accidents. Say around 390R. I could only be bothered doing it for one wire, which is being used as a pulldown on GPIO3.
 +^Pi      ^ Wire    ^ ESP32 ^
 +| GPIO25  | blue    | reset| 
 +| GPIO10  | purple  | TDI| 
 +| GPIO9   | green   | TDO|
 +| GPIO11  | orange  | TCK| 
 +| GPIO8   | yellow  | TMS| 
 +Separate wire with 390R in it.
 +| GND     | black   | GPIO3 - JTAG selector pin|
 +==== Fuses ====
 +Need to burn fuses on the EPS32-S3 to get JTAG on pins. See not in boards page.
 +==== openocd ====
 +I built the esp32 version of openocd from source.
 +I installed these dependencies - not all needed just for ESP32:
 +''apt install libhidapi-dev libgpiod-dev''
 +''./configure --enable-sysfsgpio --enable-bcm2835gpio --enable-linuxgpiod --enable-cmsis-dap''
 +==== ESP IDF ====
 +platformio does a shoddy job of ESP32 support. gdb is out of date and doesn't work. '''' tool doesn't work. Instead I installed the latest ESP IDF straight from Espressif, following their instructions.
nyan/pi_config.1721861921.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/07/24 22:58 by river

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