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Reticulum is a mesh networking protocol that can use a wide variety of interfaces – LoRa using RNode, AX.25, WiFi, or tunnelled over IP. It puts a heavy emphasis on cryptography. It is written in Python so needs a general purpose computer to run.

It claims ~300 bytes to establish a link and 0.44bps to maintain it. It seems to be link oriented but has a “group” destination type using a pre-shared key and a “plain” destination type using no key.

Talk by the creator, markqvist, at 38c3:

Protocols and Implementations


“By contributing code to this project, you agree that copyright for the code is transferred to the Reticulum maintainers and that the code is irrevocably placed under the MIT license.” –

reticulum.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/31 03:29 by river

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