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Notes on embedded rust. v1.0 released January 2024, considered stable.


A flashing and debug tool. Alternative to openocd and blackmagic probe. Not actually rust specific - can flash firmware built from C for example, but written in rust and integrates with cargo.

You can also use openocd as normal with rust build files.

Supports RTT - protocol which can be used for sending debugging console text through SWD / JTAG. Needs firmware support, which sets up ring buffers which are then read by a client over the debugger connection.

cargo embed will build and flash firmware, then start an RTT console.

cargo embed seems to be corrupting the rtt output. Using probe-rs directly works better. e.g. probe-rs attach –chip STM32F429ZITx target/thumbv7em-none-eabihf/debug/disco-test - peripheral access crates. Gives access to named registers, for all STM32s.

Debug print, I/O Interfaces

  • Semihosting
  • RTT
  • SWO
  • UART

RTT - works well with probe-rs, recommended. rprintln!

Semihosting not recommended. An ARM thing, uses special instructions. Slow. hprintln!


Learning material

rust.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/17 22:25 by river

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